Watching Ghostbusters with my Kids

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I bought the Ghostbusters gift pack at Walmart for nine dollars last weekend which included both films and a scrap book.  My kids loved the Ghostbusters game on the Wii but had not actually seen the movie so I decided it was time to show them where the whole franchise started.  I myself feel older knowing that I saw the movie when it first came out while I was in school and now it is twenty years old.  My six and three year old got a little bored in the slower parts of the film (kids expect nothing but constant action these days, no plot build ups), while I enjoyed the film just as much as I had previously which was 10 years ago.

I had done a review of Ghostbusters for the Nintendo Wii which was a phenomenal game and took you through the movies and more in a fun retro style.  It was fast paced, fun and even all the original voice casting was brought back for the game.  Though the game was easy to beat it is so fun to play two players while you wrangle ghosts together and my six year old enjoyed playing with me.

So my question for my readers who have children is this:

Did you ever show your kids a movie from your youth and still enjoy it only for them to find it a little boring or slow?  What kind of experiences have you had trying to show your children some of your childhood favorites?

-Justin Germino

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Updated: February 23, 2010 — 3:48 pm