Several Trio Block Sets

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Trio Block sets were one of the big items for my 4 year old from Santa this year as my son considers himself a builder and at 4 years old Lego bricks are too small.  The system involves blocks that snap together combined with rods that connect the blocks.  They have many different combinations of blocks like two, three, four and five connected ones to make some amazing combinations of items.




With the sets we have I have to say Trio is one of my favorite toy products for children ages 3 – 10 and I enjoy creating buildings, monsters and various cities and towers using the dozens of pieces.  All pieces are sturdy and constructions when snapped together can take some toy abuse without falling apart too easily.

Trio gets my recommendation as one of the top building products you could get kids to help promote creativity and imagination and here are some of the sets we purchased this year and I put together.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: December 27, 2010 — 8:00 am