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I had been using the Canon Digital Rebel XT camera for several years and was wonderfully surprised when my wife had gotten me the 75-300mm Zoom Lens which is among the best bang for the buck zoom lenses you can get for this digital SLR camera.
This lens is ideal for taking pictures of smaller objects or zooming in on objects fairly far away like at a Zoo, or in my case I like to zoom in on insects. Though the lens isn’t ideal for macro mode and you cannot take photo’s of objects that are closer than say 12" to the lens with the autofocus, it does a fantastic job of making objects that are 10′ away appear as if they are only a foot away.
The lens also because it is a zoom lens can focus much further away than the default Canon Digital Rebel XT flash can reach, so to ideally use the lens in low light conditions you will either need a more powerful flash or a stable and solid light source to compensate for the lower light.
These were some of the images I took with the new EF 75 – 300mm Zoom lens, now I am just waiting for a reason to use the new lens.
The above happens to be earrings that my 4 year old really wanted to get my wife for Christmas so I let him and she loved the gift he picked out.
-Justin Germino