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One thing I find amusing when camping up in the hills is seeing all of the trading post signs, yet trading posts don’t actually do any trading, exchanging or bartering and are merely shops where you can buy supplies, sundries or other items that you need while camping or staying up in the woods.
Why do they still call them trading posts then if you can’t actually trade anything but cash or a swipe of the credit card for items? I think the term trading post is a misleading one at this point and in this age where bartering is a thing of the past, except for Internet swapping websites and such which promote trade specifically. One for one item swaps are best between people as when you go to most stores that offer trade credit or exchange you get such a small fraction of value you often have to trade 4 or 5 items just to get one new one or 2 used ones. Take doing any swaps at a place like Gamestop for example.
-Justin Germino