The Challenges that Children Face Today

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Raising children in the twenty-first century can be more challenging than ever. There are experts that say we should not be exposing our children to a lot of television, computers and other media when they are in their most developmentally sensitive stages. On the other hand, it is important that children develop math and reading skills in addition to becoming familiar with technology, as discussed in this article: So much in our lives depends on familiarity and mastery of technology, and thus it is important that we prepare the next generation for such an existence with exposure to some technical skills early on in life. One way to uphold the values you would like to teach your children and still give them a competitive edge in life is to start them off with preschool math games online.


The Three Big Benefits of Early Math Education


Preschool math activities have benefits that are threefold: they provide math skill development activities that are both fun and educational; they impart basic computer skills; and they appeal to many learning styles.


A Unique Mix of Fun and Learning


Online preschool math games are a great way to get your child’s brain primed for math skills while simultaneously being engaging and appealing to how a child plays and learns. Games that are constantly changing and requiring interaction pull your child into an interesting world, using rewards such as tickets to simulate real-life achievements. There are 6 learning levels for your child’s age and skills, with 350 lessons in all. With each new level that your child ascends to, he or she builds on past math learning and adds new abilities in the subject.


Developing Many Skills Simultaneously


Even though these games are fun and math-oriented, they also teach children rudimentary computer skills that will come in handy more and more as they go to grade school. Math games help kids learn how to use a computer mouse to scroll and click, as well as teaching keypad and basic typing skills. Although children can use interactive learning games with or without parental supervision, you will never have to worry about your child’s safety online when you aren’t present; learning software does not allow for access to outside websites.


Learning for Achieving Optimal Success


Best of all, interactive learning online allows kids to take learning at their own pace, expanding their growing brains with a varied array of different exercises. Activities start at age 3 and build in complexity from there for up to 6 distinct levels of knowledge and achievement. From puzzles to songs, a multitude of approaches ensure your child will learn math with whichever method is easiest for them.

Jessica writes about a wide variety of topics.  She especially enjoys writing about education. You can learn more about Preschool Reading at

Updated: April 11, 2011 — 3:20 pm