Spending Some Blog Earnings

This post contains affiliate links.

My blogging doesn’t make a lot of money on the side, but it does make some money.  I was able to take my wife, kids and in-laws out to breakfast on Valentines Day and pay for the whole $60 IHOP meal with blog earnings.  The night before I bought cold stone ice cream for my wife, kids and myself with blog money as well.  Sure, I basically sucked up 2 weeks of blog earnings in 1 meal and 1 dessert, but it felt nice that blogging earned me a little extra on the side and that my regular Checking account didn’t feel the impact of those two treats.

My blog money is purposed specifically for two things:

Invest back into blogging to try and grow my blogs  – This is where I will actually purchase links, buy posts or sponsorships, or sponsor contests.

Fun Money – This is the real best part, my blog money is separate from my day job, so all of my blog money can be used for little things like meals, small treats and presents…etc

If you spend some of your blog earnings on luxury or fun things, it makes you feel better about blogging and that your earnings are for your enjoyment.

Just something that I would share,

-Justin Germino

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Updated: February 14, 2009 — 4:35 pm