Restricting AdSense to Your Sites Only

This post contains affiliate links.

When content is scraped onto other sites you may end up hosting AdSense ads on other sites without your knowledge, and though you may earn some extra income by accident when this occurs, it could end up getting you banned from AdSense if another site hosted your publisher ID ads and it violated Google’s terms of service.

I first read about this issue when WordPress theme creators would put their AdSense publisher ID coded into plugins or themes so that they would get a portion of AdSense revenue from ads hard coded in the footer of the website, or the plugin which defaulted a portion of % income to their AdSense ID by rotating ads showing their publisher ID a portion of the time.

They were banned when unsavory sites were using their theme/plugin which caused their AdSense account to be banned and it cost them a huge portion of income since your entire AdSense account gets banned instead of just the site that offended.

To help add security to your AdSense account and know exactly what websites serve up your AdSense ads you need to go into your Google AdSense settings and look at your Account Settings.


Here you will scroll down until you find the Access and Authorization section in your account settings.


You will want to check mark Sites authorized to show ads, then add all your domain names that you have AdSense hosted with your publisher ID.  If you are using BlogEngage make sure you also authorize BlogEngage as you can earn a portion of AdSense proceeds from your articles submitted there as well.

Now, save the changes and check your AdSense every day or two.  You may see a notification like this occasionally:


This means that others sites besides the one you authorized are displaying AdSense ads with your publisher ID, make sure you click and review the sites and either approve them (if you know and trust them) or deny those sites from using your Publisher ID.  You won’t get any AdSense revenue from those sites, but they won’t be able to publish ads with your AdSense ID and you won’t be at risk for being banned.

Note, you may see, and various Google search engines as sites if you are using AdSense for Search.  You will need to allow these sites so that the Ads show up in your search results and you can still earn from them.


You will also want to allow Google Translate, since some users may visit your blog from another country/language and be translating your blog.

Securing your AdSense Account

How many other bloggers have restrictions on what sites can display their AdSense ads? 

How many of you have found other sites you didn’t know about using your Publisher ID?

-Justin Germino

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Updated: August 7, 2012 — 9:33 am