Pumping Out Articles Over the Past Year

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688 Articles were published in the past year on DragonBlogger.com which is nearly 2 articles every single day for the entire year.  This has made for a productive year where my site saw more profits than in any of the previous years.


DragonBlogger.com turns 4 years old on August 23rd and though it had more traffic in July/August 2011 compared to this year, overall it has more site traffic and more average earnings than in previous years.

This site has grown to where I now have 10 writers working as dragonbloggers who provide articles for the site and help interact with my audience.  I am really proud of these writers who have become more like team members and take a vested interest in their articles on the site, they often participate in our group discussions on Facebook and help jump on topic and article ideas when they are presented.

In store I plan on redesigning the share buttons for articles on the homepage, as well as continuing some minor performance based tweaks.  I also need to put some more advertising and revenue generation options on the mobile theme since 10% of my site traffic now comes from mobile browsers and that traffic isn’t being monetized very well right now.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: August 7, 2012 — 2:28 pm