Pup Pup and Away

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This puppy has definitely added some additional overhead in the house since we got him last week.  It feels like we had a 3rd child due to the needs of this little one and at only 8 weeks of age he is just too young to be left alone for more than a few minutes or we risk adding a new piddle spot to the carpet.



Gluten is devilishly cute however and will integrate well once he can be more independent.  He just loves harassing the other dogs to play with him, and ironically finds more joy in playing with a cat toy these last few days than any of his dog toys.  We don’t have a cat, but bought a cat toy with a mouse at the top of a springy pole that sits on top of a puzzle with a jingle ball in it and he just loves leaping at the mouse, dragging it all around the room.

I want to take some video if it and post it.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: May 29, 2012 — 8:34 am