Not a SocialSpark Staff Pick Yet

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I was reading SocialSpark’s blog post about the new Staff Pick and Premium selection process changing from a manual one to an automated one based on the amount of traffic your site receives.  Based on the information in the article it appeared that my site should have qualified for becoming a "Staff Pick" based on my site getting over 40k unique visits consistently for several months. 

I sent an inquiry to SocialSpark team but unfortunately received a less than favorable reply:

Hi Dragonblogger,
While we truly appreciate your enthusiasm for the program your blog is not quite at staff pick level yet. When we choose our staff picks we base our decision on traffic numbers, reader engagement and past performance (if applicable). Keep up with your blogging and remain active with your readers and you’ll be on your way to staff pick designation.

Thank you,

So looks like I will have to wait a while to see when my site will be included as a Staff Pick, honestly SocialSpark is my favorite paid blogging program online and I have been using them since September 2008.  I have made thousands from SocialSpark over the past two and a half years and have enjoyed doing each and every product review I have chosen.  I never picked a review I didn’t WANT to do and the flexibility and professionalism of the whole system is the best I have worked with.

I am looking forward to becoming a large enough ‘entity’ that I can eventually get Staff Pick or Premium status someday on the SocialSpark system.  My site is very close to the same Alexa rank as which is a technology blogging site I admire and a person who I am attempting to reach a success level of in my profiles.  I chose Chris Pirillo as an example due to his technology niche, though Chris Brogan would be a great example as a social media expert.  It is my intention for my identity Dragon Blogger to become every bit as popular as these media icons.  I specifically point those two out as I remember seeing them both use SocialSpark previously and doing reviews for the system in the past.

If you haven’t signed up for SocialSpark yet, the are a fantastic way to incorporate product reviews into your blog for decent compensation and are the most professional way to do reviews without having to contact individual companies directly or wait for them to contact you.  They have a high number of advertisers and I never see lousy or poor quality offers like you can with other services (which I won’t specifically point out).  Example is I have never ever seen a gambling, e-Cigarette, legal…etc opp come my way and this is probably because my site tags aren’t in those categories.


-Justin Germino


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Updated: June 22, 2011 — 8:00 am