Legacy Traditional School Wins Recycling Honor

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Legacy Traditional School in Casa Grande, AZ was recently named part of America’s Best Brigade for 2010 for being one of the top 100 schools in the nation for a recycling program for drink containers. For a year the students have been recycling their Capri Sun Drink pouches, more than 47,000 total which helped the TerraCycle’s Drink Pouch Brigade reach the milestone of 50 million pouches and $1 million paid to schools and nonprofits.

This excellent program was actually lead by Wendy Carlson who is a parent of two children attending Legacy Traditional Schools in Casa Grande, AZ. This is one of the best schools in the state, and the best school in Casa Grande in my opinion and my own family has been very happy with my child’s education at Legacy Traditional Schools. My son also has developed “green habits” and is very Eco conscious and aware of recycling as he wants to constantly help contribute to recycling programs.

Congratulations to Legacy Traditional School for achieving such a high honor as a relatively small and new Charter school, Legacy Traditional has only been opened for just under 2 years in Casa Grande but they have a school in Maricopa and Queen Creek as well.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: January 9, 2011 — 9:58 pm