Late Night With Work Last Night

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It is Murphy’s law that whenever someone goes on vacation something always goes wrong that you wish the person was available to resolve. So my awesome team and peers at work diligently spent many hours solving some issues with a deploy. All in all we worked until just after 11pm at night and some of us had put in 12-14 hours that day.

My eyes were dry and read from staying up so late and I drank so much hot tea for energy, that I had trouble sleeping the rest of the morning. Made me wish I had some eye cream to relieve the burning and itching of my dried out eyeballs.

But I must say, I am an Information Technology addict and I do love troubleshooting and solving technical issues. Helping customers is my specialty and nothing feels better to me then when the team works together and solves a problem making the customer happy.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: March 11, 2009 — 10:19 am