Hump Day Roundup: Some Great Blog Posts

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Decided to showcase some great articles I have read in the past several weeks on other sites that are worthy of a mention.  I didn’t have time to write a separate blog post for each one, so including them in what I call a Hump Day Roundup.

These would be some of my favorite blogging related articles in the past two weeks on some other sites and I highly recommend them if you hadn’t had a chance to visit and read these articles.

7 Characteristics of Highly Successful Bloggers – written by Onibalusi Bamidele

The Case For and Against Popup Opt-in Forms – written by Kristi Hines

How to Install CommentLuv on Blogger – written by Ms. Ileane

The Downside of List Posts – written by Sebastian Schmitt

Crazy Stuff I’ve Done as a Blogger, and What I’ve Learned From It All – written by Larry Brooks

I now am using Thunderbird to subscribe to about 10-20 other blog feeds, but try to catch up and skim as I find time.  Between Ingboo Feeds and Thunderbird feeds I have to be careful not to spend too much time reading other articles and focus on creating content.  I am a reader and all too often an hour can pass at night and I read about 10 great blog posts instead of writing my own.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: August 18, 2010 — 8:00 am