Help Raise Money for Legacy Traditional Schools

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I am participating in the School Cents program here at the Casa Grande Promenade which is giving money to schools based on the number of points schools in the district collect.  In addition to providing all receipts form my purchases at the mall, all I need to do is have as many people join the Promenade Casa Grande Facebook page and like the page, leave a comment of "Legacy Traditional School" on the fanpage wall.


I would be grateful if all of my readers would be able to simply do this 5 second step and help me raise money for a charter school that provides such excellent education to students they deserve to have a decent donation from local business to help with operations and learning material.

Right now Legacy Traditional School is ranked #11 in point collection and dollars earned:


Won’t you help me by doing the following, it takes 1 minute and 500 points are donated for each Facebook like.

Like Promenade Casa Grande on Facebook

Post "Legacy Traditional School" on the fanpage wall.

Thanks to all in advance for their support,

-Justin Germino

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Updated: January 28, 2011 — 8:00 am