First Grade Field Trip Was Exhausting

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I had taken Friday off of work to chaperon a group of four first graders to the Phoenix Zoo. The day had a few bumps and bruises in the time line due to some mix up in buses and classes that caused our class to not have a bus until almost 11am instead of 8:30.

We arrived at the Zoo by 12 and had about 1 hour before we were required to regroup and be back on the bus. I took my group of kids to as many exhibits as possible and still leave enough room for the petting zoo. Meanwhile I bought a bag of kettle corn and was surprised how much the first graders reminded me of the goats as they all came over hoarding a single bag of feed.

The trip was an experience and my son was really happy to have me be a part of it with him and his class. I have an even greater respect for teachers of the lowest grades, for they must have deity like patience levels to do what they do. I was literally exhausted on the bus ride back after the Zoo trip.

Here are some pics of the Zoo:

-Justin Germino

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Updated: March 7, 2010 — 11:23 am