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For decades, people thought the planet’s energy resources were at a seemingly endless supply, but as world populations grow, non-renewable resources quickly diminish. And at the rate society is going, there’ll be nothing left in the way of energy for future generations. So with continuous conservation in mind, how can the world today ensure that there are enough energy resources to go around for tomorrow and beyond? Here are a few factors to consider.
The Ability for Renewability
Image via Flickr by Daniel Wehner
Considering non-renewable energy resources like coal, petroleum and natural gas are in a continuing short supply, the importance of renewable energy is at an all-time high. As fossil fuels become extinct, wind, solar, and hydroelectric energy will fuel tomorrow’s generation.
Not only do renewable resources like the ones mentioned above offer an endless supply of energy, they’re environmentally friendly. Harnessing the earth’s natural energy via solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectricity helps conserve non-renewable resources while implementing new forms of energy production.
Making Energy More Secure
When energy resources are diversified, are made available and affordable for everyone, it will result in secure energy. But, when it comes to preserving energy resources for the future, everything from the competition over energy sources to political instability in energy producing countries to increasing oil prices affects energy sustainability and availability for generations to come.
When referring to the accessibility of affordable, renewable energy on a global scale, the idea of energy security comes into play. Energy security results in worldwide government-mandated opportunities for inexpensive, renewable, efficient energy sources that provide energy stability across the globe, which is essential for the planet’s energy future.
Increasing Energy Efficiency
When existing energy practices work more efficiently, it extends the life of resources, whether they’re renewable or not. Because of this, the importance of energy efficiency is just as crucial as the way that energy is produced in the first place – and efficiency results in more resources for the future.
A great example of energy efficiency is the increasing popularity of compact fluorescent bulbs and even LED bulbs as opposed to regular incandescent light bulbs. Not only do compact fluorescents last ten times longer and LED’s last longer than they do, they also use a third less energy than incandescents, which helps ensure more energy stability for future generations.
Planning Ahead for Energy
Without a plan in place, today’s energy resources are in threat of depletion, which means that the future of energy is in trouble too. Because of this, energy planning needs more global attention. In an eco-friendly nutshell, energy planning is the development and adoption of long-term renewable global energy policies.
And, where there are policies, there are politics, which is exactly why government involvement across the world is necessary. When countries as a whole adopt energy planning as a commonplace practice, they become better informed about current and future energy trends as well as energy predictions that impact current populations as well as the generations to come.
From renewable energy becoming a global mainstay to the benefits of energy efficiency, today’s energy practices will affect tomorrow’s energy usage.
Author Bio:
Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including personal health, home improvement, and the environment.