Do You Suffer Social Networking Burnout?

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With all of the hundreds of social media networking sites out there including Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Plurk, Digg, StumbleUpon, Blog Catalog, Zimbio, Mixx and about a zillion others it is no wonder why bloggers are suffering burnout. True fact that according to Technorati the number of bloggers and blogs has decreased by about 40% over the last few years and it is no surprise why.

But there are some social networks that I really enjoy using and carve out time for and these are worth promoting here on my blog. These are social networks specifically for bloggers and help get your blog noticed, recognized and increase your popularity a little bit. Entrecard is rapidly becoming one of the biggest and best ways to get massive traffic to view your blog and get your blog listed in a listing of over ten thousand other blogs, where you can easily sort them and browse by category, random. The simplicity of the entrecredit and drop system is well thought out and allows you to advertise your blog on other sites merely by devoting some time visiting other bloggers, instead of having to pay money to advertise.

Twitter, Plurk, and of course Facebook are other valuable social networks are used not only by bloggers but people wanting to promote any service including if it is just themselves they are promoting and getting out there. I find twitter to be the most useful in its real time communication with people you don’t have “in your network” people can find you, and communicate even without being part of your “friends” list.

All of these social media sites and networking must make you want to fly to the nearest Westgate hotel so you can get away from it all and relax.  So remember before you delve into the thousands of social networks, play with a few of them and find which ones you like the best.  Strive for a small presence on as many as possible, but focus time on the few that give you the best results and that you like working with the most.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: March 9, 2009 — 8:20 am