First Payout from BuySellAds

This post contains affiliate links.

I was happy to finally have accrued enough money to reach my first payout from in the amount of $56.25.  BuySellAds is a site that allows you to broadcast ad spaces on your website and automatically handles the transaction of selling and showcasing those advertisements.


I had only started using BuySellAds for about six months and haven’t been very active on the system or hosting too many ad slots, but this will change with my new site design which will solely rely on for my ad slots instead of doing them manually with WP125.  Over the past four months I have had more ad slots sell with BSA than via direct advertisements but they do keep a 25% of the ad sale price. 

I like that it has auto renewal features for advertisers and collects and presents impressions that each ad slot gets.  As my site grows I am hoping to see ad sales grow as well.  Currently they say site has to have a minimum of 10k visits to qualify and list on BuySellAds.  This is why my personal blog and poetry blog are not yet listed.

I haven’t tried but I see it on other blogs as well, I even see some bloggers mixing ad spots between BSA, AdvertiseSpace and their own ads and wonder if that may be the best combination.  As some may only search AdvertiseSpace so if your site is listed there you may increase a chance of having an ad slot purchased.

What do you use for managing your ad spaces on your site?

-Justin Germino

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Updated: October 11, 2010 — 12:13 am