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As my wife and I are about to embark on a new project together which involves starting a new joint business we are busy trying to consolidate and finish up other blog related projects. The last few nights I spent redesigning AZ Music Connect which will be her consolidated Music and Entertainment blog and will merge two sites into one.
In working on this Theme I learned many new things with WordPress, PHP functions and such including how to add the "Featured Image" functionality to a theme that doesn’t support that WordPress 3 hook yet.
All you have to do is edit your theme functions.php file and add the following line after your <?php tag
add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );
This one statement will make the "set featured image" option now display in your WordPress post editor.
Then all you have to do is add this hook into your single.php or index.php and it will display the featured image for the post every time:
<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>
With these two simple tricks I was able to create custom thumbnails in posts on the homepage and make the theme of AZ Music Connect more magazine like.
So go on over to AZ Music Connect and let my wife know what you think of her blog which focuses on promoting national and local Arizona music, Concerts and more.
-Justin Germino