A Life Of Patience

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Being trapped in a vehicle with two children under five years old for three hours will try Ghandi’s patience. One constant battle we all struggle with is to find tolerance and patience but measured so as not to let our children get out of hand and be allowed to behave unreasonably.

Portable movie devices are a solution to help the problem parents face but unfortunately do nothing to teach the kids how to have patience and deal with their own boredom. Now for little kids it is perfectly reasonable to put on a movie in the car so the driver isn’t distracted by unreasonable amounts of screaming, thrashing and mayhem that occurs in the back seat where a bored toddler does anything they can for entertainment.

For older kids I would prefer they read a comic book or any book instead of more mindless TV, even word puzzles or something edutainment like on a Nintendo DS is fine. The bottom line is if you are about to go on a long drive, you should plan something for the children to do and it should be planned age appropriately.

I have to say than goodness for the geniuses who invented car DVD players and 6″ LCD screens.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: March 30, 2009 — 7:43 pm