Where To Stash My Wii Gear?

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I realize I have no room to put all my Wii accessories somewhere out of reach from my two year old, and where they can be easily organized. I have to install wall shelves next to my television, I originally had velcro holding the wiimotes to the wall, but the nunchuck cords would hang down and my son would tear them from the wall.

With 3 Wii Motes, nunchucks, guitar controller, Wii Zapper, fifteen games, wireless GameCube controller, I just don’t have a good idea on how to organize all of this stuff. I want to eventually get rid of the TV and put in an LCD TV mounted on the wall with an LCD mount that hangs higher than sitting level. I always play the Wii standing up, but the TV is lower to the ground so my neck and eyes are always looking down at the screen, and I wish it were mounted at eye level.

Ah well, will have to buy some mountable wall shelves and put them up next week next to the television I suppose. That takes care of everything except the Guitar controller, which though tiny, is too big for a simple wall shelf.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: July 2, 2009 — 8:32 am