Two More Weeks Until I Speak In CA World

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I will be giving my first public presentation at CA World which is held at The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas from November 16th – 20th.  I am extremely nervous as I have never done public speaking before and the thought of standing up in front of a crowd and speaking in a microphone, or showing a slideshow to dozens and dozens of faces I don’t know or recognizes gives me stomach pains when I go to sleep at night.

I can only say this:  I know my material well, I am SiteMinder subject expert and I know how my bank leverages the product inside and out as I designed and architected many of the solutions with my team.  So I know my content and am confident in my material.  I am not so confident in my ability to not draw a blank while I am giving the presentation, or stutter and stammer my words.

This is odd because I used to play Dungeons and Dragons for fifteen years where I would speak as a Dungeon Master and role play in small groups of up to six and eight.  I also have given this same presentation to groups of 14 at my company twice already and did a decent job, yet why am I so anxious and stressed about doing this same presentation at CA World?

Alas, I am venting my worries and fears of public speaking on my blog.

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Updated: November 4, 2008 — 8:16 pm