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Last weekend in an attempt to cut the #1 Arizona Music Blog website over to a new WordPress theme I ran into some challenges I hadn’t anticipated. The first being that the theme was using an apycom Jquery header menu and the theme was giving a “backlink not found” error at the top of the page.
This I determined was from the Theme developer using an apycom menu, but for some reason the source code wasn’t recognizing the backlink. The code is obfuscated to the point where I can’t figure out where the backlink is or I would add it myself.
So needless to say we had to back out the theme transition on Saturday night until I can either futz with it to make it work without issue or have the Theme developer fix it. This was a theme that was purchased through ThemeTiger so I am hoping it can be fixed and works.
If not, then it’s off to find a different them instead for AZ Music Connect.
-Justin Germino