The Slowing Garage Door

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My garage door is acting funnier lately and when it was first installed it would zip up and down with relative speed.  Now as it is nearly 4 years old it would seem the garage door parts are aging and the door lags a little before kicking off and opens and closes a little more slowly and with a few jerks.

I WD-40 the joints, wheels and such but don’t know too much about garage door openers so I am not sure which parts are really the cause of the problem but for now as long as it works it works.  It particularly gets worse in the winter where it is colder and it becomes slower.

Broken Garage Door Opener

In the end I probably will end up paying for someone to come out and fix it if it breaks or becomes unusable.  I don’t even know what replacement garage door opener I would get at this point.  I have only ever had 2 and I just paid to have them installed at the time I purchased the houses. My 3 car garage door only has an automatic opener for the 2 car side anyway, the third bay is still manual.

Fortunately, if the automatic garage door should fail to open it is so easy to disengage the automatic and just manually open the door.  One thing about owning a home is after three, four or five years you start really seeing parts needing to be maintained, replaced and it starts becoming a chore just to keep up with all the wearing appliances.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: June 7, 2012 — 9:28 am