Teliad is now SeedingUp: Earn Some Income with Your Blog

This post contains affiliate links.

So Teliad was a program that I used to monetize my sites periodically and now they are being branded as SeedingUp which is appropriate if you think about the primary goal of the site is for advertisers to buy “seeds” or links on target sites.

One of the things about SeedingUp is how many options you have in offering potential advertising or leasing spots on your site compared to other similar programs.  You can offer sponsored posts, general advertisements, video marketing, infographics, press releases, text links, in post links and even presell an entire page.  You generally register your site and the program works with you on estimating value to provide rates that are fair but won’t scare off your advertisers.

Now most bloggers have a very hard time monetizing blogs, unless you are a direct affiliate marketer pitching either your own products or a really niche re-marketer of existing affiliate products it can be very hard to monetize a blog, sometimes you just don’t get the traffic to bring in banner ad income or passive Amazon affiliate income to earn enough to meet your goals.  This is where occasional partnerships in these programs can help but they always come at a risk and a price.  You can see though that I think the prices are fair for a decent blog, and are in line with my own direct advertising sales rates for a sponsored post.








These are two different blogs listed in the SeedingUp System, what you should know is that SeedingUp does payout via Paypal every month which is good, though when they re-branded, you are paid in SeedingUp credit and have to cash it out to a PayPal payment now instead of just automatically being paid out to PayPal with Teliad.

The payments are split over 12 months, so you will get equal monthly payments and this is both good and bad, it provides a steady trickle stream of income and if you have a few opps sold you can get a steady $50 or $100 per month just for hosting a few sponsored opps over the full year, vs the 1x higher payout which some may have preferred, but it has advantages to streaming too and keep some reliable income coming in.

You can choose to have NoFollow links with sponsored blog posts in many cases, this is of value if you want to remain Google ToS complaint, but with many of the offerings they are still trying to get the benefits of a DoFollow backlink, know you are getting into this and run the risk of a Google PageRank penalty if you are going to accept sponsored offerings in exchange for letting the advertiser have a dofollow link.  You are not Google ToS compliant, and the program uses a variety of mechanisms to try to avoid flagging direct advertisers but ultimately this is a fine line in my opinion.

The safest and non-Google penalty way to use the system is NoFollow only options for all opps which are far less frequent than DoFollow ones, but the worst that can happen is your PR is stripped to 0 and if you aren’t monetizing or making any money from your site now and need to monetize a little, it may be worth the risk.  I will give you a prime example, my poetry blog makes 0 income from blog posts, brands don’t care about a poetry blog, they care that it has a decent PageRank, so in that case I will be okay with hosting a link on my footer or sidebar or inside a poem as a footnote just to help keep operational costs running.

If you haven’t looked at SeedingUp yet and you run various personal blogs that are not affiliate marketing sites, you may want to consider a little bit of monetization, I will say if you have a PR3 or higher your odds of getting offers are better, but I did get offers when my sites were PR2 as well.  PR0 and PR1 you pretty much won’t see any opps from my experience.

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Updated: November 6, 2014 — 7:23 am