Stomach Bug or Food Poisoning?

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So I was not sure if I came down with food poisoning or a stomach bug this weekend. We wound up stopping at Applebee’s on Friday night and on Saturday about 12 hours later I had the worst case of nausea and vomiting ever. I literally felt like the scene in Bridesmaids where all the ladies get sick trying on dresses and it took 14 hours before my stomach and intestines calmed down. Meanwhile we only drove up to California for 2 days and pretty much the trip was ruined with me being grounded and living next to the toilet.

Maybe it was the chili cheese fries and burger, but it could have been a stomach bug too. My youngest son did had a puking incident on Monday and had to miss school on Tuesday so maybe I just came down with the same bug he had but only 4 days later.

Either way, it wasn’t pretty and I was miserable. I was only able to have toast on Sunday and drink some light fluids. I have to tear eat my body more like a temple anyway, I just shouldn’t be eating things like chili cheese fries anyway. Maybe this will encourage me to be more careful in what I eat.

Back to work today and basically spent 11 hours on the road, and 14 hours grounded in a bathroom is weekend. Wasn’t as fun as it should have been but that is how the dice are rolled sometimes.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: December 11, 2011 — 5:43 pm