Speaking in Las Vegas at CAWorld 2010

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I am officially going to be a presenter at CAWorld 2010 in May and this will be my 2nd time giving a presentation about the CA SiteMinder product and ways to leverage, implement and configure it in large scale environments. I normally don’t post about my day job on my blogs, but since I am presenting publicly I am inviting anyone who works with CA SiteMinder or attending CA World this May 16th – 20th 2010 to come out and see my presentation titled:

Security & M&A: How to Leverage CA SiteMinder When Merging Large Existing Web Infrastructures

I will be discussing the options and ways to merge IT infrastructures behind a single SiteMinder environment.

You can read about my session track here:

For those who are fans of my personal blog, know that I am still terrified of public speaking and wrote my article about when I was a speaker at CA World back in 2008. I am not as terrified the 2nd time around, and hope to not be as jittery and as much a nervous wreck the weeks before like I eighteen months ago.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: February 10, 2010 — 9:26 am