Skylanders Swap Force a Big Hit

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Friday was my youngest son’s birthday and he turned 7 and his most wanted item this year like the past two was the latest Skylanders Swap Force game, they always come out in time for his birthday and last year it was Skylanders Giants.

[easyazon-image align=”center” asin=”B00D6NPFDK” locale=”us” height=”333″ src=”” width=”500″]

So he ended up getting the new Skylanders Swap Force game and a few extra characters, and my good friends over at Anker sent him a 2000 DPI Laser mouse as a birthday gift because they knew how much he wanted one after his older brother got to keep the one I reviewed for them earlier in the year.

Anker Laser Mouse


The new Skylanders Swap Force game is pretty awesome and the ability to jump as well as switch upper and lower half of the Skylanders had the kids up early at 5:15am every morning this weekend playing until the last minute before they had to leave for school.

So far my son’s favorite Skylander from the new game is Magna Charge who is quite fun to use as he throws your opponents around.

[easyazon-block align=”center” asin=”B00F3G6WSA” locale=”us”]


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Updated: November 11, 2013 — 6:37 am