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I couldn’t help but laugh when this email came circulating about senior texting codes and I thought it worth sharing with some of my readers who may find it funny.
1. ATD….At the Doctors
2. BFF…Best friend fell
3. BTW…Bring the Wheelchair
4. BYOT…Bring Your Own Teeth
5. FWIW…Forgot Where I Was
6. GGPBL…..Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low
7. GHA……Got Heartburn Again
8. IMHO……Is My Hearing-aid On
9. LMDO…Laugh My Denture Out
10. OMMR……On My Message Recliner
11. OMSG…. Oh My! Sorry, Gas
12. ROFLACGU……Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Can’t Get Up
13. TTYL……Talk To You Louder
I myself may start TTYL as I get older and can’t hear as well on my conference calls.
What do you think? Funny or poor taste?
-Justin Germino