Saw The Movie The Family Man Again

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Today was a family day no one had to work and so the entire day was spent at home as a family, with lots of rest and time spent just hanging around each other.  The Family Man with Nicholas Cage was also playing on Television and we kind of watched in the background before dinner and after.  Though the movie is not one of my favorite Nicholas Cage movies I really do like the premise of the film and like the feel good story that comes out of it.  That success, wealth and power are nothing without a family to share it with and love and family are the building blocks that make us whole, the rest is nice to have but doesn’t really nourish or sustain our spirit.

I can attest to this in my personal life, much like in the movie I can picture and visualize what my life would have been like if I would have stayed single, or even separated at some point in the past.  Would I have been financially stable, sure.  Would I have been happy?  Most definitely not!

I can honestly say that as we are in the holidays there is no where I would rather be than at home with my wife beside me and my two beautiful and wonderful children around me.  To me what I have is worth more than any amount of money I could make or would have saved being single and living as a “power” person because without someone to spend and share my life with I would in fact be hollow inside.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: December 20, 2008 — 8:11 pm