New Ways of Promoting the Kindle Fire Giveaway

This post contains affiliate links.

So back on New Years day we kicked off the Kindle Fire Giveaway on and will be giving 1 Kindle Fire tablet with New Trent Leather Case and Screen protectors to 1 lucky reader.  This contest started on 1/1 and ends on 2/1/2012.

win a free kindle fire


But in learning from my previous Kindle Fire Giveaway I am finding new and additional means of promotion.  These included leveraging a Facebook event invite and mass inviting over 1900+ friends which actually led to many thanking me for letting them know instead of hating me for spamming them.

I also posted event listings on Craigslist, Oodle and other blogs to help spur maybe people searching for one on a classified and trying to enter the contest.

I also went to the official Kindle Fire fanpage with over 300k fans and post there occasionally which catches some attention (don’t want to get banned though).

The only thing I haven’t done is purchase banner advertisements as though these would bring in traffic, I wouldn’t likely see a return on the money investment.  If I had received more sponsor dollars, I would have invested some into more advertising and I need to perform more of this in the future.  Facebook ads only let you direct a user toward  fan page, but Google AdWords ads may not be a bad idea to try.

I also have been finding blogs that allow free McLinky listings and other cross promotions as well.  So far things were going really well and I am amassing entries much faster than the previous contest.  This is shaping up to be one great giveaway and you can enter by joining the contest from the banner or link.

Note, unlike the previous contest which was U.S. residents only, this contest I am allowing anyone to enter, but I will only ship to U.S.  So if an International reader wins, they can choose to give it to a friend or family member in the states, sell it or pay the shipping if they want me to ship overseas.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: January 6, 2012 — 8:09 pm