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I have been using MyLikes for over a year now and think the system could use some categorization of various advertisers so that you can filter based on the categories you want to promote. There is also still far to few advertisers in the system which overall limits the usefulness of the service as both a publisher and as an advertiser at this point. The system seemed to have a lot of traction in early 2010 and I was able to earn $20 per month but lately that has tricked to less than $5 and I rarely see more than one or two new advertisers in the system each month.
SponsoredTweets meanwhile continues to be more profitable as a publisher but I just am not seeing the number of offers from advertisers like I used to either, so either there are so many users in the system now that I am just not getting picked or there needs to be more advertisers there as well. I would think Advertisers can in some cases get a better value promoting for a specific price per tweet than as a CPC which is what MyLikes does. I would like to see SponsoredTweets expand into Facebook promotion as well as a cost per share instead of a CPC to keep costs under control for Advertisers, but how do you measure the worth of a Facebook profile? Based on # of friends is not a good metric when Facebook limits everyone to only 5,000 friends, so I guess CPC is a better system for promoting on Facebook than a cost per promotion.
I am finding that monetizing my social networks overall has declined over the past six months and barely reaches $20 per month now from Twitter/Facebook and the three networks I use (Mylikes, SponsoredTweets, Magpie) and am wondering if this may be a trend showing that the advertising fad on Social Media may be winding down a little? Or Advertisers are looking at other ways to market on Social Media perhaps.
-Justin Germino