My Oldest Son’s Birthday Today

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I can’t believe that my oldest boy turns five years old today.  I sit back in amazement as I try and think where the time went over the last five years.  It seemed just yesterday he was learning to talk, or crawl.  I try to enjoy and cherish every moment I can with my kids because they grow up fast.  I always knew even when I was a teenager that I wanted to be a father someday, my childish nature and my love of playing and fun and wanting to experience that with my own kids was something I looked forward to.

Now that I have two boys I couldn’t imagine life without them, in fact I am sure that I may want more children someday.  But how quickly we forget how hard it is at terrible two’s and infant stages, the sleepless nights.  Why would anyone want to suffer through it all again and again.

The answer is simple, there is nothing on this earth more rewarding than your children.  New life’s who you are in charge of and care for.  Who learn from you, you are responsible for helping to shape who they will become as adults.  The Quote from the movie Spiderman “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility” I see as something each parent should keep with them.

With parenting, there are many shades of grey and some areas where any parents judgement is not necessarily right or wrong, but what that parent decides to do.  But there are also clearly right’s and wrongs with parenting as well.  There is no more difficult job on this planet than raising a child, and if you are particularly bad at your job, put zero effort in, abuse, neglect, you will have not only robbed yourself, but robbed your child of a childhood that they can never get back.

Just some of my views on being a parent.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: October 3, 2008 — 11:23 am