My New Years Resolution 2010

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The year 2009 will not be remembered as one of the better years in my life, having suffered many hardships and personal tragedy’s it is a year that I gladly put behind me. However, it is of the utmost importance that I don’t repeat some of my mistakes that have been made in 2009. My only and truly most important resolution for 2010 is to learn from my past and grow and improve myself as a husband, father and human being overall. We are all human and have our faults, but we are given the gift of being able to recognize mistakes and change our patterns and improve ourselves which separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.

So I plunge headlong into 2010 with no intention to look back and repeat the past, but to learn from it and to take every single year over the past decade and improve upon it to become the best person that I can be.

Happy New Years, what might your resolutions be if you have any?

-Justin Germino

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Updated: December 14, 2009 — 10:44 pm