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I had contacted Microsoft several weeks ago asking if I could get a media version of Windows 7, since I would be starting a new category with featured articles about Windows 7 on my site. Microsoft had told me they would let me know if they can send me a copy and I waited patiently. Windows 7 meanwhile was released on October 22nd 2009 and I hadn’t heard back from Microsoft, so I assumed they weren’t planning on sending me a copy. I bought a full version of Windows 7 Home Premiere and paid full retail price for it, upgrading my system and writing my first Windows 7 related blog posts.
A week later a FedEx package arrives with a full media license version of Windows 7 Ultimate Edition from Microsoft saying they have granted me the media copy. Had I received this just one week prior I would have saved $220 dollars out of my own pocket, and now I have 2 versions of Windows 7. I will be using the Media version of Windows 7 Ultimate and probably save my store bought Home Premium until I need it for another computer in my household at a later date.
I still would like to thank Microsoft for sending me a fully licensed media copy of Windows 7 Ultimate Edition both 64bit and 32bit versions, this was very generous of them.
-Justin Germino