Modifying My Diet Yet Again

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Having lost over fifty pounds in two years I am a little dismayed that I have gained ten pounds in the last six months and most of it is because I have gradually increased my food intake to where I am no longer eating for sustenance but am slipping in larger portions and too much snacking. I had read about many diets including a really good Atkins Diet Review and in the past to lose the fifty something pounds I had followed an eating schedule that was very similar to the Atkins Diet.

I reduced the amount of carbohydrates that I ate and increased the amount of lean meats and healthy fats, increasing avocado, salmon, chicken and other lean meats, but mostly I had concentrated on reducing my calorie intake and junk food intake. I literally read the box on everything I ate and tried to keep my calorie intake measured to between 1800 and 2000 calories per day. That calorie intake combined with working out worked really well for me and I had a slow but steady and very healthy weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds per week over fifty weeks.

Obviously for optimum health and weight loss you need to increase muscle mass and to do this you need to focus on eating High Protein foods which help your body build lean muscle mass, this in combination with reducing starchy and sugary carbohydrates is one of the most efficient and effective ways to lose weight.

The problem is balance and sticking to this eating schedule, you cannot starve yourself from the cravings you have, so you must measure and meter in the occasional reward for your success without binging. You also need to develop and adapt an eating system and exercise system that will work for you, you can’t fool yourself and go 100% if you only feel like putting in 25% or you will burn out very fast.

Slow and steady is the best course and adapt your eating habits over time not all at once, so no matter what system of dieting, exercise or plan you start and try, adapt to it slowly and stick with it. It is not easy to lose weight, but if you go about it logically, systematically and not jump on something without planning and easing your way into it, you will set yourself up for failure.

Meanwhile, today I ate only a pair of peanut butter sandwiches and a cereal bar for a total of seven hundred calories, that plus my dinner will probably be about seven or eight hundred calories will still leave me at sixteen hundred calories or so which is where I should be eating to stay with my goal of losing ten pounds by June 1st.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: April 9, 2009 — 7:51 am