Late Night With Rock Show

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Last night started the Bands and Booze rock show for my wife’s company Rock Along Productions at a music bar in Glendale, Arizona.  We had seven live bands playing and music started at 8pm and went all the way until 2am.  Exhaustion sets in even when live music is blasting all around you and I had to intake about 3 vitamin energy drinks to survive the night.

Considering I live about a one hour drive from the venue it took me until after 3am to arrive home, and I am just tired all day long.  Top that with the fact that I have to drive my son to a friends birthday party later this afternoon and I am in for one rough day today.

This was Rock Along Productions fourth music event in Arizona and each and every one is getting bigger and better all the time.  The next show will be at Goat Head Saloon in Mesa, Arizona and hopes to be just as challenging and fun, whats cooler is that it is only 2 weeks way on April 3rd.  We had 2 shows within two weeks of each other, just shows how much this company is growing.

In the meantime I need to rest and take care of myself and family today, I doubt I will have the energy to do my Entrecard drops tonight.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: March 22, 2009 — 9:17 am