Kindergarten Testing For Youngest

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Today my youngest boy will be tested to see if he is ready to attend Kindergarten this fall.  He is not old enough to automatically qualify for Kindergarten due to his birthday falling in November so he needs to be tested to see if he is ready.

I suppose they are testing to see if he can sit still and pay attention long enough to teachers so he won’t cause disruptions and my youngest is a smart boy but is very strong willed and stubborn.  If he doesn’t want to do something the is quite forceful about it and hopefully he won’t resist the "testing".

We are very much hoping he will be accepted and can attend the same school as his older brother this fall, the boys look out for each other and will be able to be more comfortable knowing that they have each other in the same school.

We were having him tested at two schools just in case he couldn’t pass one he may be accepted into the other, the ideal goal is to have him attend the same school as his brother however.

Also, if he gets accepted into kindergarten this year I won’t have to pay for preschool every month for another 12 months, so it equals some savings as well.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: May 13, 2011 — 8:00 am