Health Checkup Time

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I haven’t actually been to my primary care physician for more than two years and my wife prodded me to finally go and get a regular checkup again.  (Why is it the wives always prod the husbands to get checkups?).

Anyway, so without boring with the gory details I just am going to have some blood word done to check my usual LDL, HDL, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure…etc.

I am combining my Dr. Appointment with a drive into the office since my doctor’s office is within 3 miles of my work office. 

My point about bringing this all up is that it actually is important to have annual screenings to check your various vitals and make sure you don’t have any conditions gradually getting worse.  Better to catch something early than have to deal with the consequences later.

I am a little dismayed that I have put on about 15 pounds since the last time I was at the doctor’s office two years ago.  My diet has not been so good lately with me consuming far to much fast food and eating too many portions, combined with my cutting back on exercise because I have been so incredibly busy these last six months or so.

Ah well, tomorrow is a new day.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: September 21, 2010 — 8:00 am