Free Google App Account for a Single User

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I have to thank Tuan Do from Techwalls for his great article over here that shows users how you can use your existing Gmail account to setup a single Google app account through the App Engine.

This work around will let you use a single email address at and set it up through Google Apps without having to pay the $4.95 per month fee per user though Google Apps itself.  I am lucky that my 10 or so emails are setup and grandfathered back from the Google Apps free account but you can bet it is helpful to have at least 1 email account for free this way even if it isn’t the most convenient or easy to setup.

Few online webmail systems are as easy to use as Gmail and using Google Apps to manage your domain email is an easy way to have instant access from anywhere to your email for your domain.

Oh, and in case you want to use Windows Live mail, Tuan also wrote a great article on how to setup a free Windows Outlook (Live Mail) for your domain with multiple users for free this is in case you want more than 1 email account at your domain for free, the only problem is that with Live Mail you don’t get IMAP and therefore can only use webmail client without an option to using an offline email client like you can with Google Apps and Gmail.

Thanks again Tuan for letting me know about this on Facebook.

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Updated: April 30, 2013 — 7:58 pm