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Foam playgrounds for children can be very beneficial. Usually when an accident happens outdoors it happens on the playground. Children are going to be children and that means rough housing and playing hard. Close to 31% of children’s injuries each year occur in public parks; almost 10% occur in commercial children care centers while 15% occur in other public play areas. A foam playground not only guarantees that the number of skinned knees will be diminished but also that the chances of children playing indoors can also be higher.
Foam playgrounds can be more than a mat which lays over the topsoil or the asphalt. There are many types of safety foam which can help secure a safe environment for your children’s playtime. There are 45 degree edge padding, self supporting edge foam, basic edge padding, and space filling foam padding, corner padding, post foam, sharp edge padding, heavy duty padding and solid round foam padding. With most of your accidents happening on the end of a slide, padding makes landing safe for children as they slide down the classic metal ramp.
Another heavy accident area is around the swings and the monkey bars. Anytime a child climbs or swings they run the chance of injuring themselves. Safety foam decreases these chances drastically. It is also not an expensive material to install in your public parks and places of recreation. The argument has always been that children just require more supervision but that seriously cannot be the only case. If anything, safety foam helps adults with their supervision of children when they know that if they don’t land on their two feet that their knees will be just fine.
Foam playgrounds can be more than just the base of a playground, there is also foam equipment. Huge jungle gyms made of foam or large indoor or outdoor mazes for children to climb through. Most day cares, preschools as well as public fast food restaurants utilize this material in their playpens. It has fast become a cheap and easy way to replace expensive equipment while still maintaining the occupying fun which children’s playgrounds should have.
Safety foam is also better than most hard or soft plastics and safer than metal. It doesn’t heat in the summer or grow cold in the winter. Safety foam maintains a standard temperature year round. It is also easy to install along the ground as well construct if you are using the foam based equipment. In today’s age can you really place a price on your children’s safety anyway?
Mark Gregory recommends Smith Brothers, who have been providing services to the manufacturing and engineering industries for over 24 years. They offer a number of services, including Playground Mats and Safety Mats.