Fall 2010 Boston Terrier Picnic`

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This weekend the family brought our two Boston Terriers to the annual Fall Boston Terrier picnic put on by the Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue whom my wife and I support and she assists where we can.  We actually fostered our Boston Terrier Donut for them before adopting her.  Most Boston Terriers are friendly and energetic dogs that play rough but are extremely friendly, my older Boston however is a little bit of an aggressive girl at home and we had to keep her on a leash as we were afraid she wouldn’t be so friendly with other Bostons.

I forgot to bring my camera and had to take picture with my Blackberry phone so they didn’t come out nearly as well as I would have liked, but you get the idea.

One of the funniest sights was a guy who had jury rigged a kids towing attachment to a bike so that it allowed him to transport 5 Boston Terriers leashed up and able to be towed by a pedal bicycle, it was an ingenious modification and looked so funny.

Here are some pictures from the Arizona Boston Terrier 2010 Fall Picnic:

-Justin Germino

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Updated: November 13, 2010 — 4:49 pm