Ever Think About Investing Your Money in a Small Business

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With the shaky economy and the stock market roller coaster I actually think with costs down and the economy in a recession would be a good time to find a small business that could be targeted in your area and invest in one. I learned that Microsoft Corporation invested in small business for sale and actually helps put together this site which categorizes franchises and brings small business together for people looking to invest.

The site is very easy to navigate and allows you to search by state. You can see all the franchises like “Arby’s Starbucks, Play’N’Trade…etc” any category whether you want to invest in food services, auto repair, Dry Cleaning, Vacation Planners, and much more.

They have business franchises that match virtually any investors price from $10,000 and up. So you don’t need six figures just to invest in a small business, many small businesses fall within an affordable range. You can also sort by price range and industry besides location.

So if you are looking for investment this is one option to look at among many others.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: October 25, 2008 — 6:10 am