Entered a Guest Blogging Contest

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Yes, I decided to enter my first guest blogging contest in over 2 years.  I love Blog Engage and I wanted to support them plus get a chance to win some of the $250 1st place prize money in their $500 Guest Blogging Giveaway.

My guest article is Blogging Tip: You Don’t Need to Be Number One which gives points about how to stand out in a crowded market and realizing you don’t have to do things best, but be different and unique to carve out your own readers and fan base.

Help me win the $250 1st place prize by visiting the article and retweeting, liking and leaving comments.  If I win the prize I am going to turn around and host another Kindle Fire Giveaway on DragonBlogger.com with the prize money so the money will just go right back to the fans in the form of a gadget giveaway!

-Justin Germino

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Updated: February 2, 2012 — 3:19 pm