Emphasis On Saving Energy And Going Green

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We all know that everyone is talking green and conserving energy as of late, you have heard people talk about carpool, setting your heat up a few degrees or thermostat down…etc. Saving energy is reducing damage to the environment and conserving the nations resources.

But one of the simplest and most effective ways to to save energy and reduce emissions, waste and even lower your own electricity bill is to look at your home lighting. Replace every incandescent bulb in your house with a miniature compact florescent bulb. You can get them very cheap at Walmart and the Big Lots here in Arizona has them for 88 cents a bulb. They last for 4-7 years on average for a single bulb and they cut your wattage use by 50-75% in many cases.

I have replaced every dead incandescent with a compact florescent as they die, my outdoor lights which I leave on all night are compact florescent. This one little tactic if you replace every bulb in your house might actually lower your utility bill by $5-$10 dollars per month, depending on how often you leave the lights on and how many lights you have. So really the bulbs pay for themselves very quickly.

You are also helping the environment tremendously by reducing the power requirements. Now one person makes a small dent, but if 1,000 people all changed 30 bulbs from 100 watt bulbs to 40 watt compact florescent bulbs, you are looking at a net savings of 1.8 million watts of electricity.

I know some people complain about the lighting not looking real, or the flicker effect bothering them. They do have “natural” lighting compact florescent with slightly yellow or orange tinges to help offset that. In my opinion congress should implement a program to swap out incandescent for compact florescent for free. The industry should not be able to make incandescent bulbs anymore, the country could save almost enough power to power a state if everyone just switched to compact florescent bulbs.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: October 25, 2008 — 6:10 am