Dogs are a Carpets Worst Enemy

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I have had a few dogs over the years and always thought that living in a home with hard tiled floor is better when living with dogs. Dogs have accidents occasionally, especially puppies. It is far easier to cleanup such messes on a hard surface than a carpet. My newest dog Porky has the occasional accident and my Senior dog Gouda who is nearly 9 years old is prone to having the occasional accident too now.

I spend at least a few days a week using various carpet cleaners, deodorizes, stain removers and scrubbing carpets with rags and towels. At what point do I need to start looking at steam cleaners to keep the carpets from being utterly ruined. The padding is most concerning because even though you clean the carpet, the padding underneath is often left in bad condition and mold and germs can fester.

We keep a clean house, but only because we are diligent about cleaning the floors and carpets constantly. Fairly soon I will have to either replace the carpets and stick tile the house, or put in real tile. Throw rugs are better since if they are soiled they are easier to clean and replace compared to entire floored carpeting.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: October 17, 2009 — 3:20 pm