Do I Need More Life Insurance?

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I actually have had this conversation several times before in the past few weeks about whether or not I have enough life insurance. I do have one policy which covers about 4x my annual Salary, but they say you should have 10x your annual salary in policies optimally to protect your family in case of an accident.

What I probably will do is fish around and collect some term life quotes early next year to pick up a 2nd policy. According to the Total Money Makeover which I am trying to follow, Term Life Insurance is by far better than Whole life since if you put the difference in monthly payment between whole life and term life into even a modest Mutual Fund or Money Market, you will yield far more savings and more money from the invested funds than you would from your Whole life policy.

Either way, I need to purchase another policy next year just to keep my family covered in case something should happen to me.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: October 23, 2009 — 11:59 am