Dinner Cruise Tonight

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Taking my wife on a Prime Rib Dinner cruise out of the San Diego Harbor tonight, spending all weekend on a getaway while Grandma watches the kids back at our place.  As a married couple with children it is imperative to take some time away from the kids to connect without the pressures of day to day life.

We do make a point of taking at least 1 weekend every few months and around two weeks in the summer to just enjoy having some alone time together without having to worry about the kids.  We are very blessed and fortunate to have my wife’s mother in our life who always watches the kids while we are away, had we not had family so close by we would be unable to take as many vacation retreats.

I know my wife and I would never trust a service or anybody outside the closest family members to watch our kids overnight, we have never hired a baby sitter in the 8 years since we had our first child thanks to having grandma close by.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: February 24, 2012 — 2:17 pm