Days at the Beach Last Week

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It was some fun on a few of my day’s off last week spending time at the beach in SoCal where the water was perfect (cold enough to chill you, but not too cold once you get used to it).

I helped my kids build sand castles, caves, forts and we jumped waves and got sandy.

IMG_0025 IMG_0008 IMG_0009  IMG_0012 oceanwaves  waves3

We even found a crab up on the sand who forgot to bury or flee so we picked him up and made him the king of one of the sand castles for a while.

Prior to recently I used to only get to a beach maybe once a year at most, but now we get to go every month or two which is nice as I used to love the beach as a kid.

I still hate getting all sandy, but love swimming in the waves.

-Justin Germino

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Updated: June 24, 2012 — 2:37 pm