Near Computer Free Weekend

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As my youngest son has been without a laptop since the hard drive failure for the past week, I have been gracious enough to let him use my computer this past weekend which means I was basically computer and gaming free as he consumed hours of Minecraft on my rig.

Hopefully his new laptop will arrive midweek so I can have my computer back on weekends, but I did wind up getting some of my to-do list of items done early and was more productive at house chores without my computer being accessible.

Meanwhile, downloaded some new games for the iPad which my iPad 2 is starting to show it’s age in lagging out when playing some of the newer HD games. It is only a matter of time before I may need to upgrade to a newer tablet like the Google Nexus 10, not the one that came out last year the new one that will be announced this week.

Mother’s Day was fun, we went to a Boston Terrier meeting and let the dogs run wild while we ate at a pet friendly restaurant called Joe’s Farm Grill that has outdoor seating and enough of it so you can bring pets and put them on leashes while you it. I wish there were more pet friendly restaurants here in AZ actually.

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Updated: May 12, 2013 — 3:45 pm